the first step to putting right the sin of adam was for christ to come to the earth to sacrifice his life, preach the gospel of the kingdom and the command to his disciples to preach and attempt to convert the world.. the second step will be or has been christs second coming.. as it is a priority to put right the wrongs of adam and to convert the world of mankind then the sooner the first step is implemented the greater the chance of achieving the desired result as the human population was still relatively small the further back in time so why did god take .
Thank you for all your replies, I’m mulling them over.
Even man can dispense justice for the most serious crimes, such as murder, in at most some years and it takes that long only because man is fallible and lacks perfect knowledge.
God who suffers neither of these drawbacks takes thousands of years and counting to deal with a wrong that took just seconds to commit.
Acts 1:7 tells us that God intends to keep us ignorant of his timetable, but that is not the same as keeping us ignorant of the reason why he takes a particular action. The fact that the bible attempts to explain mankind’s lot is evidence that he does want us to understand his ways.
It’s just that there are significant gaps that his rational creation would expect answers to.
the first step to putting right the sin of adam was for christ to come to the earth to sacrifice his life, preach the gospel of the kingdom and the command to his disciples to preach and attempt to convert the world.. the second step will be or has been christs second coming.. as it is a priority to put right the wrongs of adam and to convert the world of mankind then the sooner the first step is implemented the greater the chance of achieving the desired result as the human population was still relatively small the further back in time so why did god take .
The first step to putting right the sin of Adam was for Christ to come to the earth to sacrifice his life, preach the gospel of the kingdom and the command to his disciples to preach and attempt to convert the world.
The second step will be or has been Christ’s second coming.
As it is a priority to put right the wrongs of Adam and to convert the world of mankind then the sooner the first step is implemented the greater the chance of achieving the desired result as the human population was still relatively small the further back in time so why did god take
to implement just the FIRST step?
WE’RE TALKING HUMAN TIME HERE, not Gods time, as he being the creator of time exists outside of physical time.
I must be overlooking something, but what?
Can anyone provide a rational explanation why action to put right such HUMAN wrongs was not taken in a HUMAN time scale?
a few months ago there was a thread about a couple of elders at the mill hill bethel being disfellowshipped because they disagreed with some wt doctrine (i can't recall exactly what it was) and that several other betheliteswere under 'investigation'.
i haven't heard anything since, does anyone know anything more about this?.
Hi, you must remember the blundering Arthritis Rastell the only person I know of who was prosecuted for dangerous driving when he wasn’t actually in his car when he committed the offence.
There was also the year that a "sister" turned up at the memorial dressed as a bride all in white, and the "brother" who used to daub WT slogans across advertising bill boards on the South Circular. Then there was Jude who broke into the KH , cut himself and wrote obscenities on the wall in his blood. And Cathy who used to be attacked by the "demons" during almost every meeting and would leap up screaming usually "Jehovah" but sometimes obscenities whereupon Harry and other "mature" men would grab her and wrestle her to the floor in an attempt to get her outside. When door knocking with her one day she confided that she was frequently groped by certain ones and one in particular during these episodes.
Do you remember the fashion parades every meeting when one teenager after another would strut from the back of the KH up the aisle across in front of the platform into the toilets behind the platform, then ten minutes return so the whole congregation could get a front view of whatever was the latest fashion?
i learn: the watchtower society's first president was not ct russell, that he was into pyramids, that rutherford hijacked his little religion and turned it into a powerhouse for publishing, that he liked sly grog, had 2 cadillacs to al capones 1, was a bully, and had cancer of the bum, that over all the years they can't make up their mind between new and old light, that the governing body dont even consult the bible, that they had at least one gay g/b member, manipulate prophecy, set dates and blame the flock, invented disfellowshipping just after critizing the catholics for excomunication, avoid taxes, lie on the stand, joined the u.n, own billions of dollars worth of ny, trade stocks and shares, tried be friends with hitler, condoned bribery in mexico, let the flock think they were resticted by the mexican govt, let mallawians die for nothing, keep watering down the blood policy, whitwash their own history, have secret books to help child custody battles, hides criminals, runs heretic witch hunts, spys, has two watchtower mags, supported swaggert in court, lies, controls minds, protects pedophiles, punishes victims, tears families apart, is anti education, is practically run by lawyers, has more corporations than wallstreet it seems, promote wt lit as part of the bible, supported racial segregation in the south, policed the bedroom, that the bible and preaching work are a front for a massive, giant megalomaniacal malevolent publishing house.
that none of this is unsupported lies!.
and to think that a month or so ago, i thought the only dirt on them might have been being a little to harsh on shunning.. i feel sick.
i learn: the watchtower society's first president was not ct russell, that he was into pyramids, that rutherford hijacked his little religion and turned it into a powerhouse for publishing, that he liked sly grog, had 2 cadillacs to al capones 1, was a bully, and had cancer of the bum, that over all the years they can't make up their mind between new and old light, that the governing body dont even consult the bible, that they had at least one gay g/b member, manipulate prophecy, set dates and blame the flock, invented disfellowshipping just after critizing the catholics for excomunication, avoid taxes, lie on the stand, joined the u.n, own billions of dollars worth of ny, trade stocks and shares, tried be friends with hitler, condoned bribery in mexico, let the flock think they were resticted by the mexican govt, let mallawians die for nothing, keep watering down the blood policy, whitwash their own history, have secret books to help child custody battles, hides criminals, runs heretic witch hunts, spys, has two watchtower mags, supported swaggert in court, lies, controls minds, protects pedophiles, punishes victims, tears families apart, is anti education, is practically run by lawyers, has more corporations than wallstreet it seems, promote wt lit as part of the bible, supported racial segregation in the south, policed the bedroom, that the bible and preaching work are a front for a massive, giant megalomaniacal malevolent publishing house.
that none of this is unsupported lies!.
and to think that a month or so ago, i thought the only dirt on them might have been being a little to harsh on shunning.. i feel sick.
i learn: the watchtower society's first president was not ct russell, that he was into pyramids, that rutherford hijacked his little religion and turned it into a powerhouse for publishing, that he liked sly grog, had 2 cadillacs to al capones 1, was a bully, and had cancer of the bum, that over all the years they can't make up their mind between new and old light, that the governing body dont even consult the bible, that they had at least one gay g/b member, manipulate prophecy, set dates and blame the flock, invented disfellowshipping just after critizing the catholics for excomunication, avoid taxes, lie on the stand, joined the u.n, own billions of dollars worth of ny, trade stocks and shares, tried be friends with hitler, condoned bribery in mexico, let the flock think they were resticted by the mexican govt, let mallawians die for nothing, keep watering down the blood policy, whitwash their own history, have secret books to help child custody battles, hides criminals, runs heretic witch hunts, spys, has two watchtower mags, supported swaggert in court, lies, controls minds, protects pedophiles, punishes victims, tears families apart, is anti education, is practically run by lawyers, has more corporations than wallstreet it seems, promote wt lit as part of the bible, supported racial segregation in the south, policed the bedroom, that the bible and preaching work are a front for a massive, giant megalomaniacal malevolent publishing house.
that none of this is unsupported lies!.
and to think that a month or so ago, i thought the only dirt on them might have been being a little to harsh on shunning.. i feel sick.
For the sake of any lurkers who haven't quite got the gist yet you might want to add;
In conclusion
The Watchtower Society and the Creed of the Jehovah's Witnesses is a hurtful, family-destroying, lying, evil, child-molesting, spiritually-pedophilic, satanic Cult. It is a SHAMEFUL NUISANCE, a CHEAT, a BLASPHEMOUS INSULT, a SHAM, a FILTHY LIE, a DECEITFUL TRICK, a SCANDAL, an ORGANIZED FRAUD, a DISGRACE, an ABOMINATION and a DAMNED OUTRAGE from start to finish.
Despite the few ex JW's here who claim all manner of qualifications in mental health and psychology gained since leaving the cult (having a degree seems to go to their head, if indeed they actually have the claimed qualification) my own experience of being raised a JW from a young child and observation of others, there is simply no contest.
Whether Bergman is a credible authority or not he could still be right. As the majority here have already observed and experienced he is spot on in this matter.
We, formerly R & F members, as has been said before are treated like mushrooms i.e. kept in the dark and fed manure.
Whereas those at the top have a good reason to keep us in the dark. Maintaining their powerbase ABSOLUTLEY depends on it. I see no point in looking to Raymond Franz either for clues. I don’t see him admitting that they all knew it was a fraud as this would clearly reflect on him and the time that he spent as an integral and leading part of this great deception.
Raymond Franz, for all his subsequent good work at attempting to make amends for his part in this great deception, it seems is still reluctant to bear his share of the responsibility and hence as far as I know has NEVER apologised publicly for his gross error in perpetuating the Watchtower
Another point, since the WTS shares are not publically traded then the current shareholders (those that attend the annual shareholder meeting) inherited their shares from family members long since dead. Is it likely that many of those that have inherited their shares are no longer JW’s themselves and so why would they take the trouble and expense to travel every year to the shareholders meeting if there was nothing in it for them?
Yes, Evil Lying Malevolent Manipulators. No doubt about it.
Yes, it opened my eyes. It was my turning point after 55 years in the lie. It's a bit late I know but it turned my life around and that of all my family.
It triggered our lust and subsequent dash for freedom and we haven't looked back.
i'm coming back to the uk and will be in town for the 4th november (unfortunately besty and the podlets won't be coming with me) but i would love to meet up with y'all.
especially as i missed the last one.
so, who's up for wagamama's, covent garden, on wednesday 4th november 2009.
Unfortunately it clashes with our ministry school/service meeting so I coudn't possibly come. I don't even miss the meetings when I'm so ill I feel like I'm dying.
Oh! I forgot, silly me. I don't attend anymore. Far too much sales bullshit. Network Marketing can't hold a candle to this lot. With a workforce of circa 7 million unpaid sales people peddling utter trash.